6 May 2009

The Mass Media & Politics: An Analysis of Influence

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
—The Wizard

The Wizard of Oz

"Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one."
—A.J. Liebling


Anonymous said...

Bine, multumesc, scuzele sunt acceptate. Pace, V
. . . : )
Site-ul din noua ta postare imi este relativ cunoscut de undeva. Ma intreb daca are ceva de-a face cu Ralph Nader?
E randul meu sa-mi cer scuze: intai pentru graba, zilele acestea fiind tot pe fuga si nu-mi pot tine inca promisiunea imediat cu privire la Alex Jones (pe care, fie, admit aici, mi-e din ce in ce mai greu sa-l ascult/urmaresc fara sa ma enervez. Na!, c-am zis-o!! Te rog nu da cu paru', pleeease!!!! O sa ma explic atunci cand voi veni cu observatiile promise, dar ca hint la reactia mea, follow the money, vorba cui? . . . , a anglo-saxonului?! : }} Ai vreo idee despre paleoconservatism? ) In al doilea rand, ma scuz intrucatva pentru anonimat, Nu tin cu orice pret la el, dar ma amagesc si eu cu o asa-zisa 'igiena preventiva' pe net. (Mai draga, ma minun si eu de mine insami de unde am scos perla asta?! LOL!) O sa ma semnez 'Kami.K' de acum inainte, asa cum este si ID-ul meu de email. Si ca o extensie la idee, poate ca 'zilele de pe urma' pe care le traim n-ar fi tocmai exagerat (dar se poate citi si 'paranoic') sa le numim 'zilele Matrixului'. Antidotul meu se vrea Tao-ist, : ) , adica 'ghidul personal', atentie la intuitie! Altminteri, cum se mai zice, omul cat traieste invata multe si din greseli . . . Aceasta intelepciune veche fiind insa valabila, cred, doar pana cand s-a aflat cum ca 'curiozitatea a ucis pisica' s.a.m.d. : D))) (Scuze pt. cacofonie!)
Si o veste scurta, pozitiva de la: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2009/05/06-0
We Need a Green New Deal

"[ . . . ] There's the old American story about the solitary Dutch boy who discovers that a dike has sprung a leak. He inserts his finger, hangs in there heroically by himself and saves the town.
But in the real world, individual heroics are a fool's gold when compared to the genuine value of building political movements. The immense obstacles to effective grassroots organizing can be overcome: not by lone rangers, but by persistent organizers and coalition-builders.
During the last six months, I've participated in a lengthy series of meetings with many other local activists. Across two counties in Northern California, we're about to launch a long-term project called the Green New Deal for the North Bay. www.GreenNewDeal.info"
Numai bine.

Anonymous said...

Revin cu un PS scurt; uitasem sa-ti spun ce era mai important despre ceea ce a pus, pentru mine, proverbiala cireasa pe tort ori 'motzul' la . . . in ce-l priveste pe Alex Jones. Pai cum dom'le, a ajuns nea' Caisa asta sa defaimeze tocmai pe Howard Zinn si Noam Chomsky atunci cand nu-i poate folosi in sustinerea propriei agende?!?
Uite aici: http://www.infowars.com/howard-zinn-911-investigation-a-diversion/
desi banuiesc ca esti la curent de vreme ce il citesti si popularizezi.
Asta e!

Giordano Bruno... the 2nd said...

Dear Kami,

I'm glad you're not a Kami-kaze pilot (forgive the pun... thought it was funny & decided to use it anyway!) and came back for a second look at this "flying carpet" of mine. Had the briefest overview of what you're up to over the pond, in Northern California. Sounds interesting and by the look of it, it's a worthy cause all the same. I've got a pretty busy schedule ahead of me this weekend which is the reason for this terse reply. I will, however, get back before too long.


Giordano Bruno... the 2nd said...

Yet again, I may have jumped the gun by not noticing the inverted commas in the paragraph... This may well be either a case of me being thick as two planks or a genius, and while the two don't necessarily exclude one another, the latter option seems rather remote at this moment in time... Have a wonderful day, anyway!

Giordano Bruno... the 2nd said...

Servus! Voi raspunde punctual si laconic (din cauza Crizei... de timp!)
1. Nu cred ca stiu suficient despre Nader (in ciuda reputatiei) ca sa pot pretinde ca mi-a fost vreodata muza sau model.
2. Intensitatea criticii lui Alex Jones tinde sa aiba acelasi efect asupra tuturor. De aceea prefer doze mai mici decat ofera acest film.
3. Paleocon-ii par o specie interesanta dar, inca o data, nu stiu suficient sa pot comenta. Promit sa cercetez.
4. There's always the email option.
5. Pisica mea este foarte lenesa - ce-i drept, este in crestere! Astazi am incercat, in lesa, sa exploram gradina. Am fost un bodyguard destoinic!